Management Service
Have you made a purchase?
Or you plan to?
Make your life easier.
Get a premium property management service.
No worries
about arranging the apartment!
No worries
about finding
a tenant!
No worries
Our three principles that we recommend when investing in real estate.
Get it ready quicker
Finding a team to finish and design your apartment, in another country, is not exactly an easy task. We already have the crew, ready to take care of your new property. Once we know your vision, but also your budget, we’ll make sure that our work will exceed your expectations.
Get it ready cheaper
Ceramic wall and floor tiles, parquet, a central heating system, furniture or interior design elements. There are so many aspects that influence the success of your new property arrangement. The partnerships developed by RUA Home Invest with key brands help you to get considerable discounts for all the necessary materials.
Get it ready for rent
How can you get a return of investment in the shortest time? Through our property management service, we can quickly find you a tenant. More over, you get a guarantee for the monthly payment of the rent. No worries with any issues, no worries in finding the right tenant, No worries about anything!
Contact Us
Let’s plan a call!
Zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp, on phone…or face to face. It’s up to you.
Meet us and…let us meet your expectations!