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About Timișoara

The city on the Bega or European Capital of Culture in 2023. It is about Timisoara, a city located in western Romania, close to the borders with Hungary and Serbia. The focus of the Romanian Revolution, the largest and most important city in the historical region of Banat, Timișoara is the city that removed the communist regime from its government.

City Dinamics

With approx. 50,000 students annually in four public universities, Timișoara is the largest academic center in the DKMT Euroregion. At the same time, the city stands out from an industrial, commercial, medical and cultural perspective. It hosts the headquarters of many large local companies such as: Carpatair airline, Life Care retailer, IT&C company ETA2U, lighting system manufacturer ELBA, paint manufacturer Azur, shoe company Guban, Timișoreana brewery and the largest meat processing plant in South East Europe – Comtim, today part of the giant Smithfield Romania.

City's neighborhoods

Administratively, Timișoara enjoys a wide area in terms of neighborhoods. Traditionally, the city was divided into ten districts as follows: Cetate, Fabric, Elisabetin, Iosefin, Mehala, Fratelia, Freidorf, Plopi, Ghiroda Nouă and Ciarda Roșie. Due to the development of infrastructure, in the 20th and 21st centuries a series of new neighborhoods appeared such as: Arad, Blașcovici, Braytim, Bucovina, Circumvalațiunii, Student Complex, Girocului, Kuncz, Lipovei, Dâmbovița, Modern; Odobescu, Olimpia-Stadion, Plăvăț, Ronaț, Soarelui, Steaua, Șagului, Tipografilor, Torontalului, UMT.

The most important
Real Estate Developers

The real estate market in Timișoara has experienced a real evolution over time and is enjoying continuous expansion. Among the most important real estate developers we mention: Monarch Residence, Sun City Residence, Future Residence, XCity Towers, Vox Vertical Village, City Gate, Nord One, Denya Forest and the list doesn’t end here.

Why to invest in

Is Timisoara a future city worth to invest in? Definitely yes.
In Timișoara you are practically in the epicenter of history which is combined with a modern architecture but also with a perfect cultural openness. Here you can live unforgettable experiences, in the city that really deserves to be called “home”.

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